Lunch hour
Also called lunch break. a break in the middle of the working day, usually of one hour, during which lunch may be eaten
Also called lunch time. the time at which lunch is usually eaten
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[loo-muh n-ouuh r, -ou-er] /ˈlu mənˌaʊər, -ˌaʊ ər/ noun, Optics. 1. a unit of luminous energy, equal to that emitted in 1 hour by a light source emitting a luminous flux of 1 lumen. Abbreviation: lm-hr.
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[loo-muh n] /ˈlu mən/ noun, plural lumens, lumina [loo-muh-nuh] /ˈlu mə nə/ (Show IPA) 1. Optics. the unit of luminous flux, equal to the luminous flux emitted in a unit solid angle by a point source of one candle intensity. Abbreviation: lm. 2. Anatomy. the canal, duct, or cavity of a tubular organ. 3. Botany. […]
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