[loo-nyuh-ler] /ˈlu nyə lər/
lunular markings.
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[loo-nyuh-leyt] /ˈlu nyəˌleɪt/ adjective 1. having lunular markings. 2. being in the shape of a ; cresent-shaped. /ˈluːnjʊˌleɪt/ adjective 1. having markings shaped like crescents: lunulate patterns on an insect 2. Also lunular. shaped like a crescent
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[loo-nyuh-luh] /ˈlu nyə lə/ noun, plural lunulae [loo-nyuh-lee] /ˈlu nyəˌli/ (Show IPA) 1. something shaped like a narrow crescent, as the small, pale area at the base of the fingernail. /ˈluːnjʊlə/ noun (pl) -nulae (-njʊˌliː), -nules 1. the white crescent-shaped area at the base of the human fingernail Nontechnical name half-moon lunula lu·nu·la (lōōn’yə-lə) n. […]
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[loo-nee] /ˈlu ni/ adjective, lunier, luniest, noun, plural lunies. 1. 1 . [loo-nee] /ˈlu ni/ Informal. adjective, loonier, looniest. 1. ; insane. 2. extremely or senselessly foolish. noun, plural loonies. 3. a . /ˈluːnɪ/ adjective loonier, looniest, lunier, luniest 1. lunatic; insane 2. foolish or ridiculous noun (pl) loonies, looneys, lunies 3. a foolish or […]
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[loo-oh, loo-oh] /luˈoʊ, ˈlu oʊ/ noun, plural Luos (especially collectively) Luo for 1. 1. a member of a people living mainly in southwest Kenya. 2. the Nilotic language of the Luo people. /ləˈwəʊ; ˈluːəʊ/ noun 1. (pl) Luo, Luos. a member of a cattle-herding Nilotic people living chiefly east of Lake Victoria in Kenya 2. […]
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[loo-awr-uh-vet-luh n, lwawr-] /luˌɔr əˈvɛt lən, ˌlwɔr-/ noun 1. .