[loo-per-key-lee-uh, ‐keyl-yuh] /ˌlu pərˈkeɪ li ə, ‐ˈkeɪl yə/
noun, plural Lupercalia, Lupercalias.
a festival held in ancient Rome on the 15th of February to promote fertility and ward off disasters.
noun (pl) -lia, -lias
an ancient Roman festival of fertility, celebrated annually on Feb 15 See also Saint Valentine’s Day
Roman festival held Feb. 15, in honor of Lupercus, god (identified with Lycean Pan) who had a grotto at the foot of the Palatine Hill, from Latin Lupercalia (plural), from Lupercalis “pertaining to Lupercus,” whose name derives from lupus “wolf” (see wolf (n.)).
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