[mag-duh-luh] /ˈmæg də lə/
an ancient town in Palestine, W of the Sea of Galilee: supposed home of Mary Magdalene.
a tower, a town in Galilee, mentioned only in Matt. 15:39. In the parallel passage in Mark 8:10 this place is called Dalmanutha. It was the birthplace of Mary called the Magdalen, or Mary Magdalene. It was on the west shore of the Lake of Tiberias, and is now probably the small obscure village called el-Mejdel, about 3 miles north-west of Tiberias. In the Talmud this city is called “the city of colour,” and a particular district of it was called “the tower of dyers.” The indigo plant was much cultivated here.
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[mag-duh-leen, -luh n, mag-duh-lee-nee] /ˈmæg dəˌlin, -lən, ˌmæg dəˈli ni/ noun 1. the, . 2. (lowercase) a reformed prostitute. 3. Also, Magdalen [mag-duh-luh n] /ˈmæg də lən/ (Show IPA). a female given name: from a Hebrew word meaning “woman of Magdala.”. /ˈmæɡdəlɪn/ noun 1. (literary) a reformed prostitute 2. (rare) a reformatory for prostitutes /ˈmæɡdəˌliːn; […]
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[mag-duh-ley-nuh, -lee-; Spanish mahg-th ah-le-nah] /ˌmæg dəˈleɪ nə, -ˈli-; Spanish ˌmɑg ðɑˈlɛ nɑ/ noun 1. a river in SW Colombia, flowing N to the Caribbean. 1060 miles (1705 km) long. 2. a female given name. /ˌmæɡdəˈleɪnə; -ˈliː-; Spanish maɣðaˈlena/ noun 1. a river in SW Colombia, rising on the E slopes of the Andes and […]
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- Magdalene
[mag-duh-leen, -luh n, mag-duh-lee-nee] /ˈmæg dəˌlin, -lən, ˌmæg dəˈli ni/ noun 1. the, . 2. (lowercase) a reformed prostitute. 3. Also, Magdalen [mag-duh-luh n] /ˈmæg də lən/ (Show IPA). a female given name: from a Hebrew word meaning “woman of Magdala.”. /ˈmæɡdəˌliːn; ˌmæɡdəˈliːnɪ/ noun 1. See Mary Magdalene fem. proper name, from Latin (Maria) Magdalena, […]
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