[mag-duh-lee-nee-uh n] /ˌmæg dəˈli ni ən/
of or relating to the final Paleolithic culture of much of western Europe, dating from c13,000–10,000 b.c. and notable for its artifacts of bone, antler, and ivory and for the cave art of western France and northeastern Spain.
of or relating to the latest Palaeolithic culture in Europe, which ended about 10 000 years ago
the Magdalenian culture
Relating to the final Upper Paleolithic culture of Europe, succeeding the Solutrean and dating from about 17,000 to 11,000 years ago. Magdalenian tools and weapons are highly specialized and demonstrate skilled craftsmanship in bone and antler as well as flaked stone. The Magdalenians are best known for their sophisticated artwork, including engravings, sculpture, and polychrome wall paintings such as those found in the Altamira caverns in northern Spain.
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