Magma reservoir
See magma chamber
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[mag-muh] /ˈmæg mə/ noun, plural magmas, magmata [mag-muh-tuh] /ˈmæg mə tə/ (Show IPA) 1. Geology. molten material beneath or within the earth’s crust, from which igneous rock is formed. 2. any crude mixture of finely divided mineral or organic matter. 3. Chemistry, Pharmacology. a paste composed of solid and liquid matter. /ˈmæɡmə/ noun (pl) -mas, […]
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magmatic differentiation (māg-māt’ĭk) The process by which chemically different igneous rocks, such as basalt and granite, can form from the same initial magma. Magmatic differentiation can occur by the chemical reaction between the magma and the first crystals to solidify out of it, or by the physical separation of the first crystals that form from […]
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[mag-muh] /ˈmæg mə/ noun, plural magmas, magmata [mag-muh-tuh] /ˈmæg mə tə/ (Show IPA) 1. Geology. molten material beneath or within the earth’s crust, from which igneous rock is formed. 2. any crude mixture of finely divided mineral or organic matter. 3. Chemistry, Pharmacology. a paste composed of solid and liquid matter. /ˈmæɡmə/ noun (pl) -mas, […]
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1. variant of before a vowel: magnanimous.
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[mag-nuh] /ˈmæg nə/ noun 1. a town in N Utah. [mahg-nah est we-ri-tahs, et prahy-wah-le-bit; English mag-nuh est ver-i-tas, et pree-vuh lee-bit] /ˈmɑg nɑ ɛst ˈwɛ rɪˌtɑs, ɛt ˌpraɪ wɑˈlɛ bɪt; English ˈmæg nə ɛst ˈvɛr ɪˌtæs, ɛt ˌpri və ˈli bɪt/ Latin. 1. truth is great and will prevail.