variant of before a vowel:
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[mag-nuh] /ˈmæg nə/ noun 1. a town in N Utah. [mahg-nah est we-ri-tahs, et prahy-wah-le-bit; English mag-nuh est ver-i-tas, et pree-vuh lee-bit] /ˈmɑg nɑ ɛst ˈwɛ rɪˌtɑs, ɛt ˌpraɪ wɑˈlɛ bɪt; English ˈmæg nə ɛst ˈvɛr ɪˌtæs, ɛt ˌpri və ˈli bɪt/ Latin. 1. truth is great and will prevail.
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[mag-nuh kahr-tuh] /ˈmæg nə ˈkɑr tə/ noun 1. the “great charter” of English liberties, forced from King John by the English barons and sealed at Runnymede, June 15, 1215. 2. any fundamental constitution or law guaranteeing rights and liberties. /ˈmæɡnə ˈkɑːtə/ noun 1. (English history) the charter granted by King John at Runnymede in 1215, […]
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