[mag-ni-tahyz] /ˈmæg nɪˌtaɪz/
verb (used with object), magnetized, magnetizing.
to make a of or impart the properties of a to.
to exert an attracting or compelling influence upon:
The evangelist’s oratory magnetized his listeners.
Archaic. to mesmerize.
verb (transitive)
to make (a substance or object) magnetic
to attract strongly
an obsolete word for mesmerize
1799, from magnet + -ize. Related: Magnetized; magnetizing. From 1785 in now-obsolete sense of “to mesmerize.”
To cause an object to become temporarily or permanently magnetic. For example, an unmagnetized object made of ferromagnetic material consists of molecules that are magnetic but randomly aligned, producing no net magnetic field; exposure to a magnetic field causes the molecules to align themselves with the field, producing their own net field, so that the object as a whole becomes magnetized.
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