[mag-nee-toh-en-sef-uh-luh-gram] /mægˌni toʊ ɛnˈsɛf ə ləˌgræm/
a record of the magnetic field of the brain.
Abbreviation: MEG.
Read Also:
- Magneto-encephalography
[mag-nee-toh-en-sef-uh-luh-gram] /mægˌni toʊ ɛnˈsɛf ə ləˌgræm/ noun 1. a record of the magnetic field of the brain. Abbreviation: MEG. magneto-encephalography mag·ne·to-en·ceph·a·log·ra·phy (māg-nē’tō-ěn-sěf’ə-lŏg’rə-fē) n. An imaging technique used to detect electro-magnetic and metabolic shifts occurring in the brain during trauma.
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[mag-nee-toh-floo-id] /mægˈni toʊˌflu ɪd/ noun, Physics. 1. .
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- Magnetogram
[mag-nee-tuh-gram] /mægˈni təˌgræm/ noun 1. the record produced by a magnetograph.