[mag-nif-uh-suh ns] /mægˈnɪf ə səns/
the quality or state of being ; splendor; grandeur; sublimity:
the magnificence of snow-covered mountains; the magnificence of his achievements.
impressiveness of surroundings:
the magnificence of Versailles.
the quality of being magnificent
mid-14c., “great-mindedness, courage,” from Old French magnificence “splendor, nobility, grandeur,” from Latin magnificentia “splendor, munificence,” from stem of magnificus “great, elevated, noble, eminent,” also “splendid, rich, fine, costly,” literally “doing great deeds,” from magnus “great” (see magnate) + root of facere “to make” (see factitious). Meaning “greatness, grandeur, glory” in English is from late 14c. That of “beauty, splendor, wealth” is 15c. As one of the Aristotelian and scholastic virtues, it translates Greek megaloprepeia “liberality of expenditure combined with good taste.”
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[mag-nif-uh-suh nt] /mægˈnɪf ə sənt/ adjective 1. making a splendid appearance or show; of exceptional beauty, size, etc.: a magnificent cathedral; magnificent scenery. 2. extraordinarily fine; superb: a magnificent opportunity; magnificent weather. 3. noble; sublime: a magnificent poem. 4. (usually initial capital letter) (formerly used as a title of some rulers) great; grand: Lorenzo the […]
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