
[muh-sahzh, -sahj or, esp. British, mas-ahzh] /məˈsɑʒ, -ˈsɑdʒ or, esp. British, ˈmæs ɑʒ/

the act or art of treating the body by rubbing, kneading, patting, or the like, to stimulate circulation, increase suppleness, relieve tension, etc.
Slang. attentive or indulgent treatment; pampering:
ego massage.
verb (used with object), massaged, massaging.
to treat by massage.
Slang. to treat with special care and attention; coddle or pamper:
The store massages its regular customers with gifts and private sales.

/ˈmæsɑːʒ; -sɑːdʒ/
the act of kneading, rubbing, etc, parts of the body to promote circulation, suppleness, or relaxation
verb (transitive)
to give a massage to
to treat (stiffness, aches, etc) by a massage
to manipulate (statistics, data, etc) so that they appear to support a particular interpretation or to be better than they are; doctor
massage someone’s ego, to boost someone’s sense of self-esteem by flattery

1874, from French massage “friction of kneading,” from masser “to massage,” possibly from Arabic massa “to touch, feel, handle;” if so, probably picked up in Egypt during the Napoleonic campaign there. Other possibility is that French got it in colonial India from Portuguese amassar “knead,” a verb from Latin massa “mass, dough” (see mass (n.1)). Massage parlor first attested 1894, from the start a euphemism for “house of prostitution.”

1874, from massage (n.). Related: Massaged; massaging.

massage mas·sage (mə-säzh’ -säj’)
The rubbing or kneading of parts of the body for therapeutic purposes. v. mas·saged, mas·sag·ing, mas·sag·es


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