
[mezh-er-muh nt] /ˈmɛʒ ər mənt/

the act of .
a dimension.
extent, size, etc., ascertained by .
a system of or :
liquid measurement.
the act or process of measuring
an amount, extent, or size determined by measuring
a system of measures based on a particular standard

1751, “act of measuring,” from measure (v.) + -ment. Related: Measurements. Meaning “dimension obtained by measuring” is from 1756.

A method of determining quantity, capacity, or dimension. Several systems of measurement exist, each one comprising units whose amounts have been arbitrarily set and agreed upon by specific groups. While the United States Customary System remains the most commonly used system of measurement in the United States, the International System is accepted all over the world as the standard system for use in science.

The act or process of measuring; a figure, extent, or amount obtained by measuring.

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