
[mee-dee-oh-ker] /ˌmi diˈoʊ kər/

of only ordinary or moderate quality; neither good nor bad; barely adequate:
The car gets only mediocre mileage, but it’s fun to drive.
Synonyms: undistinguished, commonplace, pedestrian, everyday; run-of-the-mill.
Antonyms: extraordinary, superior, uncommon, incomparable.
not satisfactory; poor; inferior:
Mediocre construction makes that building dangerous.
Synonyms: meager, low-quality, second-rate; so-so.
Antonyms: excellent, superior.
/ˌmiːdɪˈəʊkə; ˈmiːdɪˌəʊkə/
(often derogatory) average or ordinary in quality: a mediocre book

1580s, from Middle French médiocre (16c.), from Latin mediocris “of middling height or state, moderate, ordinary,” figuratively “mediocre, mean, inferior,” originally “halfway up a mountain,” from medius “middle” (see medial (adj.)) + ocris “jagged mountain” (cf. Greek okris “peak, point,” Welsh ochr “corner, border,” Latin acer “sharp;” see acrid). As a noun, “medicore thing or person,” by 1834.

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