
melanodermatitis mel·a·no·der·ma·ti·tis (měl’ə-nō-dûr’mə-tī’tĭs)
Dermatitis characterized by increased skin pigmentation due to the excessive deposit of melanin.

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    [mel-uh-noid] /ˈmɛl əˌnɔɪd/ adjective 1. of or characterized by melanosis. 2. resembling melanin; darkish. /ˈmɛləˌnɔɪd/ adjective 1. resembling melanin; dark coloured 2. characterized by or resembling melanosis melanoid mel·a·noid (měl’ə-noid’) adj. n. A dark pigment that resembles melanin, formed from the glucosamines in chitin.

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