Metallic wood-boring beetle
any of numerous metallic green, blue, copper, or black beetles of the family Buprestidae, the larvae of which bore into the wood of trees.
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[met-l-ahyd] /ˈmɛt lˌaɪd/ verb (used with object), metallided, metalliding. 1. to provide (a metal or alloy) with a diffused coating of a metal or metalloid by electrolysis at high temperature in order to impart a particular surface property to the base metal.
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[met-l-if-er-uh s] /ˌmɛt lˈɪf ər əs/ adjective 1. containing or yielding metal. /ˌmɛtəˈlɪfərəs/ adjective 1. containing a high concentration of metallic elements: a metalliferous ore
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[met-l-ist] /ˈmɛt l ɪst/ noun 1. . [met-l-ist] /ˈmɛt l ɪst/ noun 1. a person who works with . 2. a person who advocates the use of metallic money exclusively, instead of paper money. /ˈmɛtəlɪst/ noun 1. a person who works with metals 2. a person who advocates a system of currency based on a […]
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1. a combining form representing metal, in compound words: metallography. combining form 1. denoting metal: metallography, metalloid, metallurgy metallo- or metall- pref. Metal: metalloenzyme.