(functioning as sing) political theory (often used derogatorily)
1784, “abstract political science;” see meta- + politics. Related: metapolitical, attested from 1670s in sense “outside the realm of politics.”
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noun an awareness by a speaker of the intentions and effects of one’s speech
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A program which modifies or generates other programs. A compiler is an example of a metaprogram: it takes a program as input and produces another (compiled) one as output. (1994-10-24)
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[met-uh-proh-teen, -tee-in] /ˌmɛt əˈproʊ tin, -ti ɪn/ noun, Biochemistry. 1. a hydrolytic derivative of , insoluble in water but soluble in dilute acids or alkalis.
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metaproterenol sulfate met·a·pro·ter·e·nol sulfate (mět’ə-prō-těr’ə-nôl) n. A bronchodilator used in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Also called orciprenaline sulfate.
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[met-uh-sahy-kol-uh-jee] /ˌmɛt ə saɪˈkɒl ə dʒi/ noun 1. speculative thought dealing systematically with concepts extending beyond the limits of as an empirical science. /ˌmɛtəsaɪˈkɒlədʒɪ/ noun (psychol) 1. the study of philosophical questions, such as the relation between mind and body, that go beyond the laws of experimental psychology 2. any attempt to state the general […]