in homeopathy, a supposed predisposition to a particular disease
Word Origin
1833; Greek miasma defilement
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[mahy-az-muh, mee-] /maɪˈæz mə, mi-/ noun, plural miasmas, miasmata [mahy-az-muh-tuh, mee-] /maɪˈæz mə tə, mi-/ (Show IPA) 1. noxious exhalations from putrescent organic matter; poisonous effluvia or germs polluting the atmosphere. 2. a dangerous, foreboding, or deathlike influence or atmosphere. /mɪˈæzmə/ noun (pl) -mata (-mətə), -mas 1. an unwholesome or oppressive atmosphere 2. pollution in […]
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[mahy-az-muh, mee-] /maɪˈæz mə, mi-/ noun, plural miasmas, miasmata [mahy-az-muh-tuh, mee-] /maɪˈæz mə tə, mi-/ (Show IPA) 1. noxious exhalations from putrescent organic matter; poisonous effluvia or germs polluting the atmosphere. 2. a dangerous, foreboding, or deathlike influence or atmosphere. /mɪˈæzmə/ noun (pl) -mata (-mətə), -mas 1. an unwholesome or oppressive atmosphere 2. pollution in […]
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[mahy-az-muh, mee-] /maɪˈæz mə, mi-/ noun, plural miasmas, miasmata [mahy-az-muh-tuh, mee-] /maɪˈæz mə tə, mi-/ (Show IPA) 1. noxious exhalations from putrescent organic matter; poisonous effluvia or germs polluting the atmosphere. 2. a dangerous, foreboding, or deathlike influence or atmosphere. /mɪˈæzmə/ noun (pl) -mata (-mətə), -mas 1. an unwholesome or oppressive atmosphere 2. pollution in […]
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[mahy-az-muh, mee-] /maɪˈæz mə, mi-/ noun, plural miasmas, miasmata [mahy-az-muh-tuh, mee-] /maɪˈæz mə tə, mi-/ (Show IPA) 1. noxious exhalations from putrescent organic matter; poisonous effluvia or germs polluting the atmosphere. 2. a dangerous, foreboding, or deathlike influence or atmosphere. /mɪˈæzmə/ noun (pl) -mata (-mətə), -mas 1. an unwholesome or oppressive atmosphere 2. pollution in […]
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[mahy-az-muh, mee-] /maɪˈæz mə, mi-/ noun, plural miasmas, miasmata [mahy-az-muh-tuh, mee-] /maɪˈæz mə tə, mi-/ (Show IPA) 1. noxious exhalations from putrescent organic matter; poisonous effluvia or germs polluting the atmosphere. 2. a dangerous, foreboding, or deathlike influence or atmosphere. /mɪˈæzmə/ noun (pl) -mata (-mətə), -mas 1. an unwholesome or oppressive atmosphere 2. pollution in […]