
[mid-l-brou] /ˈmɪd lˌbraʊ/

noun, Informal.
a person of conventional tastes and interests in matters of culture; a moderately cultivated person.
a person with conventional tastes and limited cultural appreciation
of or appealing to middlebrows: middlebrow culture

1911 (adj.), 1912 (n.), from middle + brow (cf. highbrow, lowbrow).

[T]here is an alarmingly wide chasm, I might almost say a vacuum, between the high-brow, who considers reading either as a trade or as a form of intellectual wrestling, and the low-brow, who is merely seeking for gross thrills. It is to be hoped that culture will soon be democratized through some less conventional system of education, giving rise to a new type that might be called the middle-brow, who will consider books as a source of intellectual enjoyment. [“The Nation,” Jan, 25, 1912]


: a middlebrow magazine/ middlebrow audience


A person of average intelligence and taste (1925+)

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