
[mon-ad, moh-nad] /ˈmɒn æd, ˈmoʊ næd/


Chemistry. an element, atom, or group having a valence of one.
Compare (def 3), (def 2a).

a single unit or entity.
/ˈmɒnæd; ˈməʊ-/
(philosophy) (pl) -ads, -ades (-əˌdiːz)

a single-celled organism, esp a flagellate protozoan
an atom, ion, or radical with a valency of one

“unity, arithmetical unit,” 1610s, from Late Latin monas (genitive monadis), from Greek monas “unit,” from monos “alone” (see mono-). In Leibnitz’s philosophy, “an ultimate unit of being” (1748). Related: Monadic.

monad mo·nad (mō’nād’)

mo·nad’ic (mə-nād’ik) or mo·nad’i·cal adj.

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