
[mon-uh-key-zhee-uh m, -zhuh m, -zee-uh m] /ˌmɒn əˈkeɪ ʒi əm, -ʒəm, -zi əm/

noun, plural monochasia
[mon-uh-key-zhee-uh, -zhuh, -zee-uh] /ˌmɒn əˈkeɪ ʒi ə, -ʒə, -zi ə/ (Show IPA). Botany.
a form of cymose inflorescence in which the main axis produces only a single branch.
noun (pl) -sia (-zɪə)
(botany) a cymose inflorescence in which each branch gives rise to one other branch only, as in the forget-me-not and buttercup Compare dichasium

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