
[mon-uh-lith-ik] /ˌmɒn əˈlɪθ ɪk/

of or relating to a .
made of only one stone:
a monolithic column.
consisting of one piece; solid or unbroken:
a boat with a monolithic hull.
constructed of or huge blocks of stone:
the monolithic monuments of the New Stone Age.
characterized by massiveness, total uniformity, rigidity, invulnerability, etc.:
a monolithic society.
Electronics. of or relating to an integrated circuit formed in a single chip.
of, relating to, or like a monolith
characterized by hugeness, impenetrability, or intractability: a monolithic government
(electronics) (of an integrated circuit) having all components manufactured into or on top of a single chip of silicon See hybrid (sense 6)

1825, “formed of a single block,” from monolith + -ic. Figurative use from 1920.

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