
[maw-rey-vee-uh n, moh-] /mɔˈreɪ vi ən, moʊ-/

pertaining to or its inhabitants.
of or relating to the religious denomination of Moravians.
a native or inhabitant of .
Also called Herrnhuter. a member of a Christian denomination descended from the Bohemian Brethren and holding that the Scriptures are the only rule of faith and practice.
a dialect of Czech spoken in .
/məˈreɪvɪən; mɒ-/
of or relating to Moravia, its people, or their dialect of Czech
of or relating to the Moravian Church
the Moravian dialect
a native or inhabitant of Moravia
a member of the Moravian Church

1550s (n.); 1610s (adj.), from Moravia. From 1746, in reference to the Protestant sect founded in the former German state of Moravia (now in Czech Republic). Related: Moravianism.

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