
[rev-er-uh nd, rev-ruh nd] /ˈrɛv ər ənd, ˈrɛv rənd/

(initial capital letter) (used as a title of respect applied or prefixed to the name of a member of the clergy or a religious order):
Reverend Timothy Cranshaw; Reverend Mother.
worthy to be revered; entitled to reverence.
pertaining to or characteristic of the clergy.
Informal. a member of the clergy.
the official form of address for cardinals, heads of religious orders, and certain prelates, as archbishops and bishops.
(in Britain) a courtesy title applied to Anglican and Roman Catholic archbishops
worthy of reverence
relating to or designating a clergyman or the clergy
(informal) a clergyman
a title of respect for a clergyman Abbreviations Rev., Revd See also Very Reverend, Right Reverend, Most Reverend

early 15c., “worthy of respect,” from Middle French reverend, from Latin reverendus “(he who is) to be respected,” gerundive of revereri (see reverence). As a form of address for clergymen, it is attested from late 15c.; earlier reverent (late 14c. in this sense). Abbreviation Rev. is attested from 1721, earlier Revd. (1690s). Very Reverend is used of deans, Right Reverend of bishops, Most Reverend of archbishops.

“clergyman,” c.1500, from reverend (adj.).

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