[uh ng-gah-lee-ey-muh] /əŋˌgɑ liˈeɪ mə/
Mount, a mountain with two summits, in central Africa, between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo: highest peak in the Ruwenzori group. 16,790 feet (5119 meters).
[stan-lee] /ˈstæn li/
Arthur Penrhyn
[pen-rin] /ˈpɛn rɪn/ (Show IPA), (Dean Stanley) 1815–81, English clergyman and author.
Edward George Geoffrey Smith, 14th Earl of Derby, 1799–1869, British statesman: prime minister 1852, 1858–59, 1866–68.
Francis Edgar, 1849–1918, and his twin brother Freelan
[free-luh n] /ˈfri lən/ (Show IPA) 1849–1940, U.S. inventors and manufacturers: developed steam-powered car.
Sir Henry Morton (John Rowlands) 1841–1904, British journalist and explorer in Africa: led successful search for David Livingstone.
Wendell M(eredith) 1904–71, U.S. biochemist: Nobel prize 1946.
the capital and principal harbor of the Falkland Islands, in the E part.
Mount, former name of .
a male given name: an Old English family name taken from a placename meaning “stone field.”.
the capital of the Falkland Islands, in NE East Falkland Island: scene of fighting in the Falklands War of 1982. Pop: 1989 (2001)
a town in NE England, in N Durham. Pop: 19 072 (2001)
Mount Stanley, a mountain in central Africa, between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaïre): the highest peak of the Ruwenzori range. Height: 5109 m (16 763 ft) Congolese name Ngaliema Mountain
Sir Henry Morton. 1841–1904, British explorer and journalist, who led an expedition to Africa in search of Livingstone, whom he found on Nov 10, 1871. He led three further expeditions in Africa (1874–77; 1879–84; 1887–89) and was instrumental in securing Belgian sovereignty over the Congo Free State
Stanley Stan·ley (stān’lē), Wendell Meredith. 1904-1971.
American biochemist. He shared a 1946 Nobel Prize for discovering methods of producing pure enzymes and virus proteins.
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