[moo-sawrg-skee, -zawrg-; Russian moo-suh rk-skyee] /mʊˈsɔrg ski, -ˈzɔrg-; Russian ˈmu sərk skyi/
Modest Petrovich
[moh-dest pi-troh-vich;; Russian muh-dyest pyi-traw-vyich] /moʊˈdɛst pɪˈtroʊ vɪtʃ;; Russian mʌˈdyɛst pyɪˈtrɔ vyɪtʃ/ (Show IPA), 1839–81, Russian composer.
/mʊˈsɔːɡskɪ; Russian ˈmusərkskij/
a variant spelling of (Modest Petrovich) Mussorgsky
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