noun, South Midland and Southern U.S.
(def 1).
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- Mouth on someone
verb phrase To inform on; squeal: He got busted, and he mouthed on everybody he knew (1960s+)
- Mouthing
[mou-th ing] /ˈmaʊ ðɪŋ/ noun 1. the action of speaking in a meaningless, bombastic, or hypocritical manner. 2. an instance of this. [noun mouth; verb mouth] /noun maʊθ; verb maʊð/ noun, plural mouths [mouth z] /maʊðz/ (Show IPA) 1. Anatomy, Zoology. 2. the masticating and tasting apparatus. 3. a person or animal dependent on someone […]
- Mouth-organ
noun 1. (def 1). noun 1. another name for harmonica (sense 1)
- Mouthpart
[mouth-pahrt] /ˈmaʊθˌpɑrt/ noun 1. Usually, mouthparts. the appendages surrounding or associated with the of arthropods. /ˈmaʊθˌpɑːt/ noun 1. any of the paired appendages in arthropods that surround the mouth and are specialized for feeding mouthpart (mouth’pärt’) Either of the appendages occurring in pairs in insects and other arthropods that extend from the head and are […]
- Mouthpiece
[mouth-pees] /ˈmaʊθˌpis/ noun 1. a placed at or forming the , as of a receptacle or tube. 2. a or part, as of an instrument, to which the is applied or which is held in the : the mouthpiece of a trumpet. 3. the part of a bit or bridle, as for a horse, that […]