any of various African cichlid fishes of the genera Tilapia Haplochromis that carry their eggs and young around in the mouth
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[mouth d, moutht] /maʊðd, maʊθt/ adjective 1. having a of a specified kind (often used in combination): a small-mouthed man. 2. having a way of speaking of a specified kind (often used in combination): a mealy-mouthed speaker; a loud-mouthed brat. [noun mouth; verb mouth] /noun maʊθ; verb maʊð/ noun, plural mouths [mouth z] /maʊðz/ (Show […]
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[mouth-feel] /ˈmaʊθˌfil/ noun 1. the tactile sensation a food gives to the mouth: a creamy mouthfeel. /ˈmaʊθˌfiːl/ noun 1. the texture of a substance as it is perceived in the mouth: the wine has a good mouthfeel noun how food or drink feels in one’s mouth; the sensory evaluation of tactile impressions on the palate; […]
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[mouth-feel] /ˈmaʊθˌfil/ noun 1. the tactile sensation a food gives to the mouth: a creamy mouthfeel. /ˈmaʊθˌfiːl/ noun 1. the texture of a substance as it is perceived in the mouth: the wine has a good mouthfeel noun See mouthfeel noun how food or drink feels in one’s mouth; the sensory evaluation of tactile impressions […]
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[mouth-foo l] /ˈmaʊθˌfʊl/ noun, plural mouthfuls. 1. the amount a can hold. 2. the amount taken into the at one time. 3. a small quantity. 4. Informal. a spoken remark of great truth, relevance, effectiveness, etc.: You said a mouthful! 5. a long word or group of words, especially one that is hard to pronounce. […]
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noun a tooth and gum shield worn inside the mouth by athletes or for orthodontic reasons; also written mouth guard