a tooth and gum shield worn inside the mouth by athletes or for orthodontic reasons; also written mouth guard
Read Also:
- Mouth guard
noun See mouthguard
- Mouth-harp
noun, South Midland and Southern U.S. 1. (def 1).
- Mouth on someone
verb phrase To inform on; squeal: He got busted, and he mouthed on everybody he knew (1960s+)
- Mouthing
[mou-th ing] /ˈmaʊ ðɪŋ/ noun 1. the action of speaking in a meaningless, bombastic, or hypocritical manner. 2. an instance of this. [noun mouth; verb mouth] /noun maʊθ; verb maʊð/ noun, plural mouths [mouth z] /maʊðz/ (Show IPA) 1. Anatomy, Zoology. 2. the masticating and tasting apparatus. 3. a person or animal dependent on someone […]
- Mouth-organ
noun 1. (def 1). noun 1. another name for harmonica (sense 1)