a yellow, semifluid fat expressed from the seeds of several trees of the genus Madhuca, used in making soap and as an adulterant in butter.
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[moks] /mɒks/ noun 1. a type of fuel used in nuclear reactors, made from reprocessed plutonium mixed with natural or depleted uranium. /mɒks/ noun 1. a blend of plutonium and uranium oxides, used as a nuclear fuel in breeder reactors
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[mok-suh] /ˈmɒk sə/ noun 1. a flammable substance or material obtained from the leaves of certain Chinese and Japanese wormwood plants, especially Artemisia moxa. 2. this substance or a similar one of cotton, wool, or the like, placed on the skin usually in the form of a cone or cylinder and ignited for use as […]
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[mok-suh] /ˈmɒk sə/ noun 1. a flammable substance or material obtained from the leaves of certain Chinese and Japanese wormwood plants, especially Artemisia moxa. 2. this substance or a similar one of cotton, wool, or the like, placed on the skin usually in the form of a cone or cylinder and ignited for use as […]
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/ˌmɒksɪˈbʌstʃən/ noun 1. a method of treatment, originally in Chinese medicine, in which a moxa is burned on the skin