
[moh-dal-i-tee] /moʊˈdæl ɪ ti/

noun, plural modalities.
the quality or state of being .
an attribute or circumstance that denotes mode or manner.
Also called mode. Logic. the classification of propositions according to whether they are contingently true or false, possible, impossible, or necessary.
Medicine/Medical. the application of a therapeutic agent, usually a physical therapeutic agent.
one of the primary forms of sensation, as vision or touch.
noun (pl) -ties
the condition of being modal
a quality, attribute, or circumstance that denotes mode, mood, or manner
(logic) the property of a statement of being classified under one of the concepts studied by modal logic, esp necessity or possibility
any physical or electrical therapeutic method or agency
any of the five senses

1610s, from Old French modalité or directly from Medieval Latin modalitatem (nominative modalitas) “a being modal,” from modalis (see modal). Related: Modalities.

modality mo·dal·i·ty (mō-dāl’ĭ-tē)

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