[muhl-ti-nom-uh-nl] /ˌmʌl tɪˈnɒm ə nl/
having several or many names.
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- Multinuclear
[noo-klee-er, nyoo- or, by metathesis, -kyuh-ler] /ˈnu kli ər, ˈnyu- or, by metathesis, -kyə lər/ adjective 1. pertaining to or involving atomic weapons: nuclear war. 2. operated or powered by atomic energy: a nuclear submarine. 3. (of a nation or group of nations) having atomic weapons. 4. of, relating to, or forming a nucleus. 5. […]
- Multinucleate
[adjective noo-klee-it, -eyt, nyoo-; verb noo-klee-eyt, nyoo-] /adjective ˈnu kli ɪt, -ˌeɪt, ˈnyu-; verb ˈnu kliˌeɪt, ˈnyu-/ adjective 1. having a . verb (used with object), nucleated, nucleating. 2. to form (something) into a . verb (used without object), nucleated, nucleating. 3. to form a . adjective (ˈnjuːklɪɪt; -ˌeɪt) 1. having a nucleus verb (intransitive) […]
- Multinuclear leukocyte
multinuclear leukocyte n. See polymorphonuclear leukocyte.
- Multipack
[muhl-ti-pak] /ˈmʌl tɪˌpæk/ noun 1. a packaged item containing two or more products sold as a unit. /ˈmʌltɪˌpæk/ noun 1. a form of packaging of foodstuffs, etc, that contains several units and is offered at a price below that of the equivalent number of units
- Multipara
[muhl-tip-er-uh] /mʌlˈtɪp ər ə/ noun, plural multiparas, multiparae [muhl-tip-uh-ree] /mʌlˈtɪp əˌri/ (Show IPA). Obstetrics. 1. a woman who has borne two or more children, or who is parturient for the second time. /mʌlˈtɪpərə/ noun (pl) -rae (-ˌriː) 1. a woman who has given birth to more than one viable fetus or living child Compare multigravida […]