myelocystic my·e·lo·cys·tic (mī’ə-lō-sĭs’tĭk)
Relating to or characterized by the presence of a myelocyst.
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myelocystocele my·e·lo·cys·to·cele (mī’ə-lō-sĭs’tə-sēl’) n. Spina bifida containing spinal cord substance.
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myelocystomeningocele my·e·lo·cys·to·me·ning·o·cele (mī’ə-lō-sĭs’tō-mə-nĭng’gə-sēl’) n. See meningomyelocele.
- Myelocyte
[mahy-uh-luh-sahyt] /ˈmaɪ ə ləˌsaɪt/ noun, Anatomy. 1. a cell of the bone marrow, especially one developing into a granulocyte. /ˈmaɪələʊˌsaɪt/ noun 1. an immature granulocyte, normally occurring in the bone marrow but detected in the blood in certain diseases myelocyte my·e·lo·cyte (mī’ə-lə-sīt’) n. my’e·lo·cyt’ic (-sĭt’ĭk) adj.
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myelocythemia my·e·lo·cy·the·mi·a (mī’ə-lō-sī-thē’mē-ə) n. Myelocytes in the blood, especially in persistently large numbers.
- Myelocytic leukemia
myelocytic leukemia n. See granulocytic leukemia.