
involving or characterized by esoteric, otherworldly, or symbolic practices or content, as certain religious ceremonies and art; spiritually significant; ethereal.
of the nature of or pertaining to mysteries known only to the initiated:
mystic rites.
of occult character, power, or significance:
a mystic formula.
of obscure or mysterious character or significance.
of or relating to mystics or .
a person who claims to attain, or believes in the possibility of attaining, insight into mysteries transcending ordinary human knowledge, as by direct communication with the divine or immediate intuition in a state of spiritual ecstasy.
a person initiated into religious mysteries.
a section of Groton, in SE Connecticut: maritime museum.
Contemporary Examples

He is such an American mystic, that kind of reaching, that wish to go beyond, even though he doesn’t have the tools.
My Conversation with John Updike Barbara Probst Solomon January 28, 2009

Fabulous lunatic Madame Blavatsky was a con artist, a mystic, and the founder of the Theosophist Society.
Dead Cool: Madame Blavatsky Simon Doonan January 5, 2010

Then bed down in the seaside town of mystic, Connecticut, with views of the wharf from your private room at the Steamboat Inn.
The U.S. Road Trips You Should Really Take Lonely Planet April 25, 2014

But suffice it to say that for the agnostic, like the mystic, it is the journey and not the destination that matters most.
An Agnostic’s Manifesto Reza Aslan November 3, 2010

It revealed his vulnerability to ideas, ideology, and mystic hoo-ha.
Norman Mailer: A Life Lived Loud Adam Begley October 19, 2013

Historical Examples

The grace of the speaker, and the mystic quality of the thing spoken, arrested him.’
A Handful of Stars Frank W. Boreham

You were in a poppy sleep on the mystic flowers of ancient dreams.
Quaint Courtships Various

He gave him the piece of birch bark bearing the mystic sign.
Canadian Fairy Tales Cyrus Macmillan

There was that mystic depth of expression which comes from ancient Egypt.
The Slave Of The Lamp Henry Seton Merriman

And first, of the normal development of the mystic feeling for nature in the case of the individual mind.
Nature Mysticism J. Edward Mercer

a person who achieves mystical experience or an apprehension of divine mysteries
another word for mystical

late 14c., “spiritually allegorical, pertaining to mysteries of faith,” from Old French mistique “mysterious, full of mystery” (14c.), or directly from Latin mysticus “mystical, mystic, of secret rites” (source also of Italian mistico, Spanish mistico), from Greek mystikos “secret, mystic, connected with the mysteries,” from mystes “one who has been initiated” (see mystery (n.1)). Meaning “pertaining to occult practices or ancient religions” first recorded 1610s.

“exponent of mystical theology,” 1670s, from mystic (adj.). In Middle English, the noun meant “symbolic meaning, interpretation” (early 14c.).

place name in Connecticut, U.S., deformed from Algonquian missituk “great tidal river,” from missi “large” + -tuk “tidal river.”
An early system on the IBM 704, IBM 650, IBM 1103 and 1103A.
[Listed in CACM 2(5):16, May 1959].

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