
(def 2).
[am-uh-ril-is] /ˌæm əˈrɪl ɪs/
any of several bulbous plants of the genus Hippeastrum, especially H. puniceum, which has large red or pink flowers and is popular as a houseplant.
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Also called belladonna lily, naked lady. a related plant, Amaryllis belladonna, having clusters of usually rose-colored flowers.
any of several other similar or related plants.
(initial capital letter) a shepherdess or country girl, especially in classical and later pastoral poetry.
Also called belladonna lily. an amaryllidaceous plant, Amaryllis belladonna, native to southern Africa and having large lily-like reddish or white flowers
any of several related plants, esp hippeastrum
(in pastoral poetry) a name for a shepherdess or country girl
a leafless pink orchid found in Australia and New Zealand

autumn-flowering bulbs, 1794, adopted by Linnaeus from Latin, from Greek Amaryllis, typical name of a country girl or shepherdess (in Theocritus, Virgil, Ovid, etc.).

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