
[ney-zoh-far-ingks] /ˌneɪ zoʊˈfær ɪŋks/

noun, plural nasopharynges
[ney-zoh-fuh-rin-jeez] /ˌneɪ zoʊ fəˈrɪn dʒiz/ (Show IPA), nasopharynxes. Anatomy.
the part of the behind and above the soft palate, directly continuous with the nasal passages.
Compare (def 2).
noun (pl) -pharynges (-fəˈrɪndʒiːz), -pharynxes
the part of the pharynx situated above and behind the soft palate

1877, from naso-, comb. form of Latin nasus “nose” (see nose (n.)) + pharynx.

nasopharynx na·so·phar·ynx (nā’zō-fār’ĭngks)
The part of the pharynx above the soft palate that is continuous with the nasal passages. Also called epipharynx.
na’so·pha·ryn’ge·al (-fə-rĭn’jē-əl, -jəl, -fār’ən-jē’əl) adj.

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