[nat-l-ee] /ˈnæt l i/
a female given name: from a Latin word meaning “birthday.”.
fem. proper name, from French Natalie, from Church Latin Natalia, from Latin (dies) natalis “birthday,” in Church Latin, “Christmas Day,” so probably originally a name for one born on Christmas.
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[ney-tal-i-tee, nuh-] /neɪˈtæl ɪ ti, nə-/ noun 1. . /neɪˈtælɪtɪ/ noun (pl) -ties 1. another name (esp US) for birth rate n. late 15c., “birth,” from natal + -ity. Sense of “birth rate” is from 1884, from French natalité, used in the same sense. natality na·tal·i·ty (nā-tāl’ĭ-tē, nə-) n. The ratio of births to the […]
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[neyt-nt] /ˈneɪt nt/ adjective 1. swimming; floating. 2. Botany. floating on water, as the leaf of an aquatic plant. /ˈneɪtənt/ adjective 1. (of aquatic plants) floating on the water 2. (rare) floating or swimming adj. 1707, from Latin natantem, present participle of natare “to swim,” frequentative of nare “to swim” (see natatorium).
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[nuh-tah-shuh] /nəˈtɑ ʃə/ noun 1. a female given name, Russian form of . fem. proper name, from Russian pet form of Natalya (see Natalie).