noun, U.S. Government.
the federal agency that establishes the standards for units used in measuring the physical properties of substances.
Abbreviation: NBS, N.B.S.
(in the US) an organization, founded in 1901, whose function is to establish and maintain standards for units of measurements Compare British Standards Institution
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- National-cemetery
noun 1. a cemetery, maintained by the U.S. government, for persons who have served honorably in the armed forces.
- National characters
character Characters with accents and other diacritical marks that are used in certain written languages (that are based on the Roman alphabet) but not in others, particularly not in English. A standard list is ISO Latin 1. (1996-06-24)
- National-charter
noun 1. See under . [chahr-tiz-uh m] /ˈtʃɑr tɪz əm/ noun 1. the principles or movement of a party of political reformers, chiefly workingmen, in England from 1838 to 1848: so called from the document (People’s Charter or National Charter) that contained a statement of their principles and demands. /ˈtʃɑːˌtɪzəm/ noun 1. (British history) the […]
- National-church
noun 1. an independent church within a country, usually representing the prevalent religion.
- National-city
noun 1. a city in SW California, near San Diego.