
[nee-uh-plaz-uh m] /ˈni əˌplæz əm/

noun, Pathology.
a new, often uncontrolled growth of abnormal tissue; tumor.
[nee-oh-plas-tuh-siz-uh m] /ˌni oʊˈplæs təˌsɪz əm/
noun, (sometimes initial capital letter) Fine Arts.
the theory and practice of the de Stijl group, chiefly characterized by an emphasis on the formal structure of a work of art, and restriction of spatial or linear relations to vertical and horizontal movements as well as restriction of the artist’s palette to black, white, and the primary colors.
(pathol) any abnormal new growth of tissue; tumour
the style of abstract painting evolved by Mondrian and the Dutch de Stijl movement, characterized by the use of horizontal and vertical lines and planes and by black, white, grey, and primary colours

1864, coined in German by Karl Friedrich Burdach (1776-1847) from neo- + Greek plasma “formation” (see -plasm). Related: Neoplastic.

neoplasm ne·o·plasm (nē’ə-plāz’əm)
An abnormal new growth of tissue that grows by cellular proliferation more rapidly than normal, continues to grow after the stimuli that initiated the new growth cease, shows partial or complete lack of structural organization and functional coordination with the normal tissue, and usually forms a distinct mass of tissue which may be either benign or malignant.
ne’o·plas’tic (-plās’tĭk) adj.
An abnormal growth of tissue in animals or plants. Neoplasms can be benign or malignant. Also called tumor.

neoplastic adjective (nē’ə-plās’tĭk)

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