
[kon-truh-byoo-shuh n] /ˌkɒn trəˈbyu ʃən/

the act of .
something .
an article, story, drawing, etc., furnished to a magazine or other publication.
an impost or levy.
Insurance. the method of distributing liability, in case of loss, among several insurers whose policies attach to the same risk.
the act of contributing
something contributed, such as money or ideas
an article, story, etc, contributed to a newspaper or other publication
(insurance) a portion of the total liability incumbent on each of two or more companies for a risk with respect to which all of them have issued policies
(archaic) a levy, esp towards the cost of a war

late 14c., from Old French contribution and directly from Latin contributionem (nominative contributio), noun of action from past participle stem of contribuere “to bring together, add, contribute,” from com- “together” (see com-) + tribuere “to allot, pay” (see tribute).

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