
[dih-sizh-uh n] /dɪˈsɪʒ ən/

the act or process of ; determination, as of a question or doubt, by making a judgment:
They must make a decision between these two contestants.
the act of or need for making up one’s mind:
This is a difficult decision.
something that is ; resolution:
She made a poor decision when she dropped out of school.
a judgment, as one formally pronounced by a court:
It is the decision of this court that the appeal is granted.
the quality of being decided; firmness:
He spoke with decision and calm authority.
the final score in any sport or contest:
The decision was 5 to 4 in favor of the home team.
Boxing. the awarding of a victory in a match not decided by a knockout or technical knockout, usually through a vote of the referee and judges.
verb (used with object)
Boxing. to win a victory over (one’s opponent) by a point score rather than a knockout.
a judgment, conclusion, or resolution reached or given; verdict
the act of making up one’s mind
firmness of purpose or character; determination

mid-15c., from Middle French décision (14c.), from Latin decisionem (nominative decisio) “a decision, settlement, agreement,” noun of action from past participle stem of decidere (see decide). Decision making (adjective, also decision-making) is recorded from 1953.

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