[duh-mon-struh-tiv] /dəˈmɒn strə tɪv/
characterized by or given to open exhibition or expression of one’s emotions, attitudes, etc., especially of love or affection:
She wished her fiancé were more demonstrative.
serving to ; explanatory or illustrative.
serving to prove the truth of anything; indubitably conclusive.
Grammar. indicating or singling out the thing referred to. This is a demonstrative pronoun.
Grammar. a demonstrative word, as this or there.
tending to manifest or express one’s feelings easily or unreservedly
(postpositive) foll by of. serving as proof; indicative
involving or characterized by demonstration: a demonstrative lecture
conclusive; indubitable: demonstrative arguments
(grammar) denoting or belonging to a class of determiners used to point out the individual referent or referents intended, such as this, that, these, and those Compare interrogative, relative
(grammar) a demonstrative word or construction
late 14c., “characterized by logic, based on logic,” from Old French démonstratif (14c.), from Latin demonstrativus “pointing out, demonstrating,” from past participle stem of demonstrare (see demonstration). Grammatical sense, “pointing out the thing referred to,” is mid-15c. Meaning “given to outward expressions of feelings” is from 1819. Demonstrative pronoun is late 16c.
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