[den-si-tee] /ˈdɛn sɪ ti/
noun, plural densities.
the state or quality of being dense; compactness; closely set or crowded condition.
stupidity; slow-wittedness; obtuseness.
the number of inhabitants, dwellings, or the like, per unit area:
The commissioner noted that the population density of certain city blocks had fallen dramatically.
Physics. mass per unit volume.
the degree of opacity of a substance, medium, etc., that transmits light.
Photography. the relative degree of opacity of an area of a negative or transparency, often expressed logarithmically.
Computers. a measure of the compactness of data stored on an external storage medium, as disk or tape, or displayed on a CRT or other screen.
noun (pl) -ties
the degree to which something is filled, crowded, or occupied: high density of building in towns
obtuseness; stupidity
a measure of the compactness of a substance, expressed as its mass per unit volume. It is measured in kilograms per cubic metre or pounds per cubic foot ρ See also relative density
a measure of a physical quantity per unit of length, area, or volume See charge density, current density
(physics, photog) See transmission density, reflection density
c.1600, from French densité (16c.), from Old French dempsité (13c.), from Latin densitas “thickness,” from densus “thick, dense” (see dense).
density den·si·ty (děn’sĭ-tē)
A measure of the quantity of some physical property (usually mass) per unit length, area, or volume (usually volume). ◇ Mass density is a measure of the mass of a substance per unit volume. Most substances (especially gases such as air) increase in density as their pressure is increases or as their temperature decreases. ◇ Energy density is a measure of the amount of energy (often in the form of electromagnetic radiation) per unit volume in a region of space or some material. See also Boyle’s law.
The relative heaviness of objects, measured in units of mass or weight per units of volume. (See specific gravity.)
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