
[verb der-uh-geyt; adjective der-uh-git, -geyt] /verb ˈdɛr əˌgeɪt; adjective ˈdɛr ə gɪt, -ˌgeɪt/

verb (used without object), derogated, derogating.
to detract, as from authority, estimation, etc. (usually followed by from).
to stray in character or conduct; degenerate (usually followed by from).
verb (used with object), derogated, derogating.
to disparage or belittle.
Archaic. to take away (a part) so as to impair the whole.
Archaic. .
verb (ˈdɛrəˌɡeɪt)
(intransitive) foll by from. to cause to seem inferior or be in disrepute; detract
(intransitive) foll by from. to deviate in standard or quality; degenerate
(transitive) to cause to seem inferior, etc; disparage
(transitive) to curtail the application of (a law or regulation)
adjective (ˈdɛrəɡɪt; -ˌɡeɪt)
(archaic) debased or degraded

early 15c., from Latin derogatus, past participle of derogare “diminish” (see derogatory).

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