
[in-sti-too-shuh-nl, -tyoo-] /ˌɪn stɪˈtu ʃə nl, -ˈtyu-/

of, relating to, or established by .
of or relating to organized establishments, foundations, societies, or the like, or to the buildings devoted to their work.
of the nature of an .
characterized by the blandness, drabness, uniformity, and lack of individualized attention attributed to large that serve many people:
institutional food.
(of advertising) having as the primary object the establishment of goodwill and a favorable reputation rather than the immediate sale of the product.
pertaining to or principles, especially of jurisprudence.
of, relating to, or characteristic of institutions
dull, routine, and uniform: institutional meals
relating to principles or institutes, esp of law

1610s, from institution + -al (1).

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