
[nash-uh-nl, nash-nuh l] /ˈnæʃ ə nl, ˈnæʃ nəl/

of, relating to, or maintained by a as an organized whole or independent political unit:
national affairs.
owned, preserved, or maintained by the federal government:
a national wildlife refuge.
peculiar or common to the whole people of a country:
national customs.
devoted to one’s own , its interests, etc.; patriotic:
to stir up national pride.
concerning or encompassing an entire :
a national radio network.
limited to one .
a citizen or subject of a particular who is entitled to its protection:
U.S. nationals living abroad.
Often, nationals. a national competition, tournament, or the like:
We’re invited to Minneapolis for the nationals.
a national company or organization.
of, involving, or relating to a nation as a whole
of, relating to, or characteristic of a particular nation: the national dress of Poland
(rare) nationalistic or patriotic
a citizen or subject
a national newspaper
the National, short for the Grand National

1590s, from Middle French national (from Old French nation), and also from nation + -al (1). As a noun, “citizen of a (particular) nation,” from 1887. National anthem first recorded 1819, in Shelley. Related: Nationally.

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