
[nok-tur-nl] /nɒkˈtɜr nl/

of or relating to the night (opposed to ).
done, occurring, or coming at night:
nocturnal visit.
active at night (opposed to ):
nocturnal animals.
opening by night and closing by day, as certain flowers (opposed to ).
Archaic. an astrolabe for telling time at night or for determining latitude by the position of certain stars in reference to Polaris.
of, used during, occurring in, or relating to the night
(of animals) active at night
(of plants) having flowers that open at night and close by day

late 15c., from Old French nocturnal “nightly, nocturnal,” or directly from Late Latin nocturnalis, from Latin nocturnus “belonging to the night,” from nox (genitive noctis) “night,” cognate with Old English neaht (see night) + -urnus, suffix forming adjectives of time. Nocturnal emission “involuntary ejaculation during sleep” first recorded 1813.

nocturnal noc·tur·nal (nŏk-tûr’nəl)


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