
[ree-pruh-duhk-shuh n] /ˌri prəˈdʌk ʃən/

the act or process of .
the state of being .
something made by an original; copy; duplicate:
a photographic reproduction; a reproduction of a Roman vase.
Biology. the natural process among organisms by which new individuals are generated and the species perpetuated.
(biology) any of various processes, either sexual or asexual, by which an animal or plant produces one or more individuals similar to itself

the quality of sound from an audio system: this amplifier gives excellent reproduction
the act or process of reproducing
the state of being reproduced
a revival of an earlier production, as of a play

1650s, “act of forming again,” noun of action from reproduce. Of generation of living things, from 1782; of sounds, from 1908. Meaning “a copy” is from 1807.

reproduction re·pro·duc·tion (rē’prə-dŭk’shən)

The process by which cells and organisms produce other cells and organisms of the same kind. ◇ The reproduction of organisms by the union of male and female reproductive cells (gametes) is called sexual reproduction. Many unicellular and most multicellular organisms reproduce sexually. ◇ Reproduction in which offspring are produced by a single parent, without the union of reproductive cells, is called asexual reproduction. The fission (splitting) of bacterial cells and the cells of multicellular organisms by mitosis is a form of asexual reproduction, as is the budding of yeast cells and the generation of clones by runners in plants. Many plants and fungi are capable of reproducing both sexually and asexually, as are some animals, such as sponges and aphids.

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