
[ak-uh-dem-ik] /ˌæk əˈdɛm ɪk/

of or relating to a college, , school, or other educational institution, especially one for higher education:
academic requirements.
pertaining to areas of study that are not primarily vocational or applied, as the humanities or pure mathematics.
theoretical or hypothetical; not practical, realistic, or directly useful:
an academic question; an academic discussion of a matter already decided.
learned or scholarly but lacking in worldliness, common sense, or practicality.
conforming to set rules, standards, or traditions; conventional:
academic painting.
acquired by formal education, especially at a college or university:
academic preparation for the ministry.
(initial capital letter) of or relating to Academe or to the Platonic school of philosophy.
a student or teacher at a college or university.
a person who is academic in background, attitudes, methods, etc.:
He was by temperament an academic, concerned with books and the arts.
(initial capital letter) a person who supports or advocates the Platonic school of philosophy.
academics, the scholarly activities of a school or university, as classroom studies or research projects:
more emphasis on academics and less on athletics.
not related to, involved in, or trained in academic disciplines
belonging or relating to a place of learning, esp a college, university, or academy
of purely theoretical or speculative interest: an academic argument
excessively concerned with intellectual matters and lacking experience of practical affairs
(esp of a schoolchild) having an aptitude for study
conforming to set rules and traditions; conventional: an academic painter
relating to studies such as languages, philosophy, and pure science, rather than applied, technical, or professional studies
a member of a college or university

1580s, “relating to an academy,” also “collegiate, scholarly,” from Latin academicus “of the Academy,” from academia (see academy). Meaning “theoretical, not practical, not leading to a decision” (such as university debates or classroom legal exercises) is from 1886. Academic freedom is attested from 1901. Related: Academically.

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