[non-dair-ee] /nɒnˈdɛər i/
being a substitute for milk or milk products; containing no ingredients:
nondairy whipped topping for the pie.
Read Also:
- Nondairy creamer
noun a powdered or liquid milk substitute for coffee or tea made from fat or casein, sweetener, preservatives, and emulsifiers; a creamer containing no milk products; also written non-dairy creamer , also called coffee whitener Usage Note cooking
- Non-dairy creamer
noun See nondairy creamer
- Non-damaging
[dam-i-jing] /ˈdæm ɪ dʒɪŋ/ adjective 1. causing or capable of causing ; harmful; injurious.
- Non-dangerous
[deyn-jer-uh s, deynj-ruh s] /ˈdeɪn dʒər əs, ˈdeɪndʒ rəs/ adjective 1. full of or risk; causing ; perilous; risky; hazardous; unsafe. 2. able or likely to cause physical injury: a dangerous criminal. /ˈdeɪndʒərəs/ adjective 1. causing danger; perilous adj. early 13c., “difficult, arrogant, severe” (the opposite of affable), from Anglo-French dangerous, Old French dangeros (12c., […]
- Non-debilitating
[dih-bil-i-teyt] /dɪˈbɪl ɪˌteɪt/ verb (used with object), debilitated, debilitating. 1. to make weak or feeble; enfeeble: The siege of pneumonia debilitated her completely. /dɪˈbɪlɪˌteɪt/ verb 1. (transitive) to make feeble; weaken v. 1530s, from Latin debilitatus, past participle of debilitare “to weaken,” from debilis “weak” (see debility). Related: Debilitated; debilitating.