
[dem-uh-krat-ik] /ˌdɛm əˈkræt ɪk/

pertaining to or of the nature of democracy or a democracy.
pertaining to or characterized by the principle of political or social equality for all:
democratic treatment.
advocating or upholding democracy.
(initial capital letter) Politics.

not adhering to the principles or practice of democracy
of, characterized by, derived from, or relating to the principles of democracy
upholding or favouring democracy or the interests of the common people
popular with or for the benefit of all: democratic sports

c.1600, from French démocratique, from Medieval Latin democraticus, from Greek demokratikos “of or for democracy; favoring democracy,” from demokratia (see democracy). Earlier was democratian (1570s).

As a political faction name, from 1790 in reference to France. U.S. political usage (with a capital D) attested from c.1800. The party originally was the Anti-Federal party, then the Democratic-Republican (Democratic for short). It formed among those opposed to extensive powers for the U.S. federal government. The name of the party was not formally shortened to Democratic until 1829. Democratic socialism is attested from 1849.

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